Dive into Aqua Fitness with Equipment from Speedo

Dive into Aqua Fitness with Equipment from Speedo

Choose the right barbells for your water workout.
Barbells are an important part of any water aerobics workout.

Speedo has long been known for its competitive swimwear, but this isn’t the only way they have helped swimmers. In fact, they are constantly developing new gear and strategies to help swimmers enhance their performance. Recently, Speedo has released their equipment and initiative called Speedo Fit. This fitness equipment will take water aerobics to a whole new level.

Fitness Barbells

Weights have become an important element in aqua fitness. There are a couple of barbell options created by Speedo as part of the Speedo Fit initiative, giving individuals the opportunity to perform more typical fitness exercises while in the water. The Speedo Aqua Fit 360 hand weights weigh a pound each and are the perfect option for simple weightlifting exercises in the water. Explore your other options for Speedo aqua barbells to ensure you find the perfect solution to best suit your needs.

Get a Grip

Holding onto weights, even those that are made from softer materials for use in the water, can be difficult or cause stress on your hands. This is why it’s recommended to use Speedo Aqua swim gloves to help you get a solid grip on the weights to ensure they don’t slip out of your hands as you workout. These comfortable gloves can also create greater resistance in the water, which can enhance your workout in other ways.

Speedo has begun a water fitness initiative that is being backed by some of the biggest names in swimming today. This type of water aerobics will provide swimmers with the chance to improve their performance. The goal is to be able to exercise similar to the way you would at the gym only under the water so you can enhance all the muscles you use to swim so you can become a stronger swimmer.

If you’re looking for the right water aerobics equipment to improve your swimming performance, contact us. D&J Sports carries everything you need to train in the water.


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