How to Set Short-Term Goals for Long-Term Improvement

How to Set Short-Term Goals for Long-Term Improvement

Racing swimsuits are just part of your success.
Your success doesn’t rely solely on having the right racing swimsuits.

When you join competitive swimming, you may be focused on choosing the right racing swimsuits and becoming the best swimmer you can be. While it’s important to set your eye on the end prize, it’s also critical to set up some short-term goals that will help you move toward this overall goal. It’s not all about the performance swimwear you choose; it’s about making small strides, just like you do with most of the other things you do in life. Breaking it up into smaller pieces will make it all seem easier in the end.

Be Specific

It’s easy to make your goals more general, but this can make them much more difficult to effectively achieve. This is why it’s so important to be extremely specific in your goals. Rather than setting a goal to improve your overall speed in the water, for instance, consider setting a specific time goal. However, it’s also critical to keep in mind how likely you are to be able to achieve this goal. Reaching too far too quickly can easily let you down and make it more difficult to continue focusing.

Take Action

It may seem easy to sit down in from the of the computer and do some research on how to become a better swimmer. While this information can be invaluable in helping you toward your end goal, it isn’t the best way to see the results you’re looking for. After all, you can watch a large number of videos, but if you don’t actually do something, you aren’t going to improve. Instead, try to set aside some extra time for your practices. Even 15 more minutes can go a long way toward achieving your goals. Doing some exercises at home when you’re not at the pool can also help.

Keep Track of Progress

Setting goals isn’t the only thing you should be doing. If you aren’t tracking your progress toward your end goal, it’s easy to lose site of the objectives you have put in place. Create a spreadsheet or find another way to keep track of the small successes you have so you can visualize the progression toward your goal. This ensures you remain focused on your end goal and can check off some of those short-term markers as well.

If you’re looking for the best competitive swimwear in Dallas, contact us. We carry everything you need to become a more effective swimmer.

4 Ways To Ease Pre-Race Anxiety

4 Ways To Ease Pre-Race Anxiety

Most swimmers are well aware of the need to prepare properly before any race. However, this doesn’t mean you won’t suffer from some pre-race anxiety. In fact, this is fairly common in the swimming world. You’ve invested a lot in your practice swimsuits and racing swimsuits and now it’s your time to shine. The following tips will help you deal with some of that anxiety so you can focus on performing your best.

You will need more than practice swimwear to do well.
Practice swimwear is just some of what you need.

Try Journaling

Writing isn’t a strong suit for everyone, but it doesn’t have to be in order to be effective. If you are able to write about your feelings regarding your next race, chances are you will be able to work through them more easily.

Don’t Overthink

It’s easy to eat, sleep and breathe swimming when it’s something you love, but this can unfortunately create more anxiety. This is why it’s often recommend to spend time focusing on other aspects of your life with the exception of while you are swimming, as well as about 15 to 20 minutes prior to your race.


During the time period when you allow yourself to think about your swimming, it’s important to visualize yourself doing well. This will help your brain focus on the proper movements to ensure you perform your best when race time arrives.

Lean on Your Support System

There’s no shame in leaning on others to help you get through the time prior to your races so you can feel more relaxed. Trust in your coach, your teammates and your family and friends to keep your mind on other things outside of race time and help you find ways to relax so you can approach every race with less anxiety.

Stay Off the Phone

Today’s society sees a lot of people spending a significant amount of time on their phones, particularly with social media. This should be one of the things you give up close to race time. It can be easy to focus too much on other things, which can shift important brain space away from your performance.

If you’re looking for the best performance swimwear to help you swim your best, contact us. We carry everything you need to become a more focused swimmer so you can rest assured you are ready to go when race day arrives.

5 Steps to Follow When Choosing a Technical Swimsuit

5 Steps to Follow When Choosing a Technical Swimsuit

Choosing racing swimsuits is one of the most essential components to your success. However, before you start searching for competitive swimwear like the Speedo tech suits, it’s critical to understand the steps you should take. It’s necessary for these suits to fit properly so you can rest assured you will perform your best.

Perform better with competitive swimwear.
Competitive swimwear can help you perform better.

Decide on Your Budget

Racing swimsuits can be costly, but it’s important to note they won’t last forever. This is why it’s important to calculate how much you can afford to spend without sacrificing the quality of the swimwear you select. In general, you can expect to spend at least $100 on this type of swimwear, but it is well worth the investment when you realize the advantages of tech swimsuits.

Try It On

The typical swimwear you wear to the beach fits differently from competitive swimwear. It’s important to either be properly measured for this type of swimwear or try it on before you buy it. This will ensure the perfect fit so you can get the full benefit of this type of swimsuit.

Do Your Research

Every brand offers their own features and other factors that can impact your decision. This is why it’s important to do your research. Speedo tech suits are designed differently from other types. When you do your research, you will be able to make a better informed decision regarding which racing swimsuits are the best options for your needs.

Test It Out

Don’t wait until your big swim meet to wear your new swimwear and break it in. You may have a specific swimsuit you wear for your practices, but if you wait until swim meet day, you may find you aren’t comfortable in your swimwear, which can have a negative impact on your overall performance.

Start with a Lower End Suit

If you aren’t sure if tech swimsuits are the right choice for you, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to find out. You can purchase a lower-end swimsuit to give it a try first. If you enjoy it, you can spend more on your next suit.

Buying competitive swimwear can seem like an overwhelming task but when you follow these steps, you will find the process much easier, whether you want Speedo tech suits or another brand.

If you’re looking for the best competitive swimwear in Dallas, contact us. We offer everything you need to be the best competitive swimmer you can be.

The Difference Competition Swimwear Can Make

The Difference Competition Swimwear Can Make

It’s easy to think all swimsuits are the same. After all, why would you pay so much for a swimsuit you can only wear for competitions when there are much more affordable options on the market? This is because racing swimsuits are designed with compression and hydrodynamics in mind. With the right Speedo tech suits and suits from other brands, such as the Arena carbon ultra, you will be able to perform your best. The difference is all in the style of the suits and which one you choose.

Get the ultimate fit from the Arena carbon pro suits.
The Arena carbon pro swimsuits fit well.

The Fit

Most women choose the kneeskin option for their competitive swimwear. This choice is also available for men. If this is the right type of swimsuit for your needs, you will also be able to select from open and closed back options. The Arena carbon pro suits are some of the best choices in this type of suit. However, it isn’t the only option, especially for men. Male swimmers can also choose from low and high waist jammers, which can provide a greater freedom of movement for those who feel restricted by kneeskin racing swimsuits.

Shape and Design

Once you select the basic fit of the suit you would prefer for your racing suits, you must consider the various shapes and designs for these suits. Every major competitive brand creates their own version of these suits. This includes where they place the seams, how those seams are created and more. For instance, Speedo tech suits typically utilize their signature ‘X’ pattern. The placement of these seams is designed to promote compression in the right places and ensure you can move more smoothly through the water with less resistance.

Mental Benefits

Believe it or not, there are actually mental benefits to choosing the right racing swimsuits. The way you think about your swimming can have an impact on whether you are successful in your races. Those who aren’t involved in the swimming world rarely understand these mentality. However, swimmers spend a lot of time learning how to focus mentally and prepare their mindset for race day. The way you think can actually dictate which competitive swimwear you buy. For instance, those who prefer a calm thought process before a race can benefit more from darker colors and solid colored suits.

Choosing the right racing swimsuits is essential to ensure you perform your best. This means understanding the different styles and what they can do for your mental focus, as well as your physical performance.

If you’re looking for the best competitive swimwear, contact us. We carry all the biggest brands in swimming so you can be sure to find the suit that best fits your needs.

The Ultimate Routine for Race Day

The Ultimate Routine for Race Day

As race day approaches, it’s important to make sure you do what you can to prepare yourself to perform your best. For most swimmers, developing a set routine for your race day can help you get the most out of every meet. In addition to packing your Speedo backpack with your racing swimsuits and other competitive swim equipment in Dallas, TX, there are a few things you should do to ensure you are fully prepared for your event.

Keep all your gear in one place with a Speedo backpack.
The Speedo backpack keeps all your gear in one place.

Check Your Gear

Packing the night before your race is beneficial to avoid forgetting something important when packing at the last moment. Make sure you have everything you need in your Speedo backpack, ready to grab and go when it’s time to leave for your race. You need to make sure you have at least two racing swimsuits, as well as all of the other competitive swim equipment you need to perform your best, such as a couple of swim caps, swim goggles and more. Double check your bag before you leave.

Get the Right Amount of Sleep

Although it’s important to get the right amount of sleep at all times, it’s even more essential the night before your big meet. It should always be part of your routine to get to bed at a reasonable hour so you feel well rested when you get up in the morning. However, it is beneficial to get your sleep on schedule weeks before your event so you can be sure you are well rested.

Stick to Your Schedule

Your coach works closely with you to put together an effective training schedule to ensure you are properly prepared for your next race. Once that schedule is put into place, be sure you stick to it so you can see the results you’re looking for. If you feel any aspect of your schedule isn’t working, talk to your coach about making adjustments.

Eat Well

There are certain foods that are recommended as you prepare in the weeks leading up to your big race day. Fruits are essential, as are energy foods, such as protein and energy bars. Low-fat yogurt and wholegrain breads and cereals can also help you swim your best. These are all great snacks to also pack in your Speedo backpack for your race day.

If you’re looking for the best competitive swim equipment in Dallas, TX, contact us. We carry everything you need to be the best swimmer you can be.

6 Ways to Prepare for Your Next Swim Meet

6 Ways to Prepare for Your Next Swim Meet

You’ve got your racing swimsuits and your team swim caps packed and ready to go for your next meet. From the outside, this may seem like all you need to be concerned about. However, there are several other things you should do to ensure you are fully prepared for your next event so you can perform your best. The following tips will help.

You need to prepare more than buying racing swimsuits.
Racing swimsuits are just part of your pre-meet preparations.

Bring Extras

One swimsuit and one swim cap may be all you need, but there are situations where you may need to change. Perhaps something gets misplaced in the locker room. Maybe your swimsuit or cap develops a tear. While you may not need the extras, it never hurts to bring them along so you are always ready in the event of an emergency.

Pack Ahead of Time

You’ll have a lot on your mind before the race and you don’t need to leave something important behind. Most swimmers will pack their swim backpack a day or two before the meet to ensure they have everything they need. This includes snacks for energy, your competitive swimwear and other swim gear.

Give Yourself Time to Warmup

It’s never a good idea to show up at the meet right before it begins. You need to have plenty of time to change and go through your warm-ups so your body is ready to go when it’s time to race. Always arrive with plenty of time to stretch and get ready. A good night’s sleep and eating properly is also important to prepare.

Watch Your Diet

The last thing you want when you hit the pool is to experience problems due to what you’ve eaten. Be careful not to eat anything known to give you stomach issues or to cause any other type of problems. Consider eating high in proteins and carbs to give you energy.

Clear Your Mind

Stress and worry can have a major impact on how your body performs. In the week or two leading up to the race, it’s important to clear your mind of anything that could put an additional strain or stress on your mind.

Set Goals

It may seem like most swimmers would strive to win their meet and while this is often the case, it can be beneficial to set other goals as well. Not everyone is going to win. However, if you have other objectives in mind, such as improving your race time, you are more likely to feel good about yourself, regardless of the outcome.

If you’re looking for the best competitive swimwear in Dallas for your next meet, contact us. We carry everything you need to train well and do your best every time you hit the pool.

Swim to Win With Tech Suits from Speedo, TYR and Arena

Swim to Win With Tech Suits from Speedo, TYR and Arena

Get the advantage of racing suits.
The right racing suits can provide an advantage.

When you are ready to win your swim meets, it’s time to start thinking about investing in tech racing swimsuits. This competitive swimwear in Dallas will provide you with a number of advantages in the water. Speedo, TYR and Arena all make technical swimsuits that are designed to help swimmers perform their best so they can truly shine in and out of the water.


Speedo  has developed the FastSkin swimwear as part of their line of Speedo tech suits. These suits are made with polyurethane paneling that is designed to improve buoyancy and repel water, helping swimmers achieve a higher position in the water. This reduces the amount of resistance in the water and can help swimmers improve their speeds. These racing suits also feature compression in all the right places, creating a more  hydrodynamic shape for swimmers so they can move more effortlessly through the water.


TYR has also developed competitive swimwear that will help improve performance for the wearer. The swimwear is composed of a mixture of Lycra spandex and nylon, providing the compression swimmers need to shape their bodies for the most effective performance. This particular racing swimsuit is constructed with as few seams as possible to reduce resistance in the water. It is an extremely comfortable design for easy long-term wear for training and meets.


The Arena Carbon Ultra tech racing suits are preferred among many of the Olympic swimmers. This swimwear uses the Infinity Loop design for the interior seams, creating a more fluid feel that offers the ultimate in support and compression. The Ultra-Cage fabric provides additional compression, particularly in the glutes, legs and hips. In addition, Arena has created the X-Pivot, which allows for greater flexibility in the suit around the rib cage to aid in breathing.

Regardless of which of these racing swimsuits you choose, you will enjoy all the freedom and flexibility of this type of competitive swimwear. These suits are designed with the competitive swimmer in mind, providing all of the advantages in the water, helping you perform your best and improve your swim times. This means you have a greater chance of winning at your swim meets.

If you’re looking for these suits or other types of competitive swimwear in Dallas, contact us. We carry everything you need to be the most effective swimmer you can be.

Why Getting Sized for a Swimming Suit Is Important

Why Getting Sized for a Swimming Suit Is Important

Sizing varies among competitive swimwear brands.
Competitive swimwear brands use their own sizing tools.

If you’re like most people, you simply try on swimsuits at your local store and pick something that looks nice and fits okay. However, if you are involved in competitive swimming and need competitive swimwear, it’s more important than ever to be properly fitted for a swimsuit. Racing swimsuits should have a specific fit in order to help you perform your best and reduce the amount of unnatural drag you experience. Each of the competitive swimwear brands will offer a unique fit.

Taking Measurements

First and foremost, you need to know how to take the proper measurements so you purchase the correct competitive swimwear. It’s important to remember it’s better for someone else to take your measurements for you to ensure accuracy. It’s also best to take any measurements against your bare skin. Use a soft measuring tape around the areas described in the instructions for the sizing that comes with the competitive swimwear brands you are considering. Make careful note of each measurement so you can reference it in the future.

How to Handle Proportions

Few people perfectly fit into the proportions so it can be difficult to choose a size when your chest and hips fall into different sizes. There are two rules of thumb when it comes to this issue. If your chest measures at a higher size than your hips, choose the smaller size. However, if your hips measure at a larger size than your chest, upsizing is recommended.

What Not to Do

Besides asking someone else to help you take accurate measurements of your body, there are a few other things you should avoid when measuring for your new competitive swimwear. Never order your next racing swimsuits based on the size of your old ones. Not only can your body change, but some brands may have altered their sizing since you last bought one. Also, always order for yourself to prevent mistakes. Finally, men should never use their pants size to select their swimsuit size.

Shopping between the different competitive swimwear brands can be complicated since they all have their own variations in size. This is why it is so critical to take proper measurements to you buy racing swimsuits that fit well and don’t contribute to excess drag in the water. Once you know how to buy the right fit, you will be sure you will be comfortable and functional in the pool.

If you’re ready to shop for competitive swimwear in Dallas, contact us. We can help you find the ideal size to fit your body.

10 Weird Swimming Facts

10 Weird Swimming Facts

Swimming can be just as relaxing as it can be exhilarating for individuals. While most people see swimming as a fairly straightforward sport, like everything else, there are some weird facts surrounding it. As you consider your competitive swimwear products, including racing suits, think about these facts.

1. Swimmers Are Extremely Flexible

Competitive swimmers are very flexible.
Competitive swimmers are more flexible than you think.

Most people associate flexibility with a sport like gymnastics. However, swimmers need to be as streamlined as possible in the water. What results is a swimmer who can flex their toes straight to the floor when their legs are stretched along the floor.

2. Pools Contain Sweat

Sweat can be found in competitive swimming pools.
Competitive swimming pools contain sweat.

It may seem unusual to think someone can sweat while they swim, but swimmers sweat just as much as any other athlete. This means the pool does contain an amount of sweat.

3. Swimming Existed in Prehistoric Times

Swimming dates back to prehistoric times.
There are signs swimming dates to prehistoric times.

Many wonder how long humans have been swimming. When evaluating cave drawings in Egypt, images of people swimming were found. Writings dating back to 2000 BC have also referenced swimming.

4. The Breast Stroke Is the Oldest Stroke


Historical evidence shows the breast stroke is the oldest stroke ever created.

5. Shaving Is About More Than Hair Removal

There are several reasons competitive swimmers shake.
Competitive swimmers shave for several reasons.

Swimmers shave more than the average person and for good reason. The primary reason swimmers remove their hair is more for hydrodynamic purposes. However, shaving also removes a layer of dead skin cells, which decreases sensitivity.

6. Australians Are the Most Passionate Swimmers


Many people in Australia are ready to talk about swimming at the drop of a hat. In Australia, swimming is to citizens as soccer is to the English and Football is to Americans.

7. Swimming Wasn’t Included in the Original Greek Olympics

The Olympic Games introduced competitive swimming later.
Competitive swimming wasn’t part of the initial Olympic Games.

Although a major staple of today’s Olympic games, swimming wasn’t one of the original sports. While the Greeks did swim, it was not part of the Olympics.

8. Open Water Swimmers Sometimes Poop in the Water

Open water swimmers may need to relieve themselves as they swim.
Open water swimmers don’t have time to stop.

Just as some people do pee in the pool, open water swimmers sometimes need to poop but don’t have the time to get out of the water. This means they do need to relieve themselves as they swim. Exact numbers are unknown.

9. Swimmers Use Almost All Their Muscles


Few exercises will give you a better workout than swimming. Swimming uses many of the major body areas, which means you are using most of your muscle groups.

10. Many People Can’t Swim

Not everyone knows how to swim.
Many Americans don’t know how to swim.

Only about half of the American population is familiar with the five basic swimming skills, while only about 33 percent of African Americans know the same skills.

If you’re looking for the right competitive swimwear in Dallas, including racing swimsuits, contact us. We can help you find the perfect suit for you.

New to Swim Competition? The Affordable TYR Thresher Tech Suit Is the Perfect Fit

New to Swim Competition? The Affordable TYR Thresher Tech Suit Is the Perfect Fit

Consider affordable and functional racing swimsuits.
Racing swimsuits can be affordable and functional.

If you’re new to the competitive swimming scene, it’s important to understand why tech racing swimsuits should be a consideration as you select the right competitive swimwear. Take the TYR Threader Tech Suit, for instance. This TYR tech suit is designed to provide all of the support and shaping a swimmer needs to perform their best in the water. Discovering why tech suits stand out in the world of competitive swimwear will help you make the best choice for your needs.

Compression and the Competitive Edge

While swimmers are generally muscular and in great shape, the body wasn’t exactly designed with hydrodynamics in mind. This is why considering TYR swimwear, particularly the tech suits, is critical to your performance. These swimsuits provide compression in all the right places, helping to streamline the body so you can move more effortlessly through the water. In addition, the fabric from which the tech suits are made is also hydrodynamic, assisting the water in flowing off the suit, rather than absorbing into it, creating more resistance. The less resistance, the more you will improve your swim times.

An Affordable Option

One of the biggest concerns newer swimmers have when they start shopping for tech swimsuits is the high price tag. However, not all competitive swimwear has to cost a lot. Racing swimsuits can give you a competitive edge without worrying about whether you are cheating the system. Everyone has access to the same suits and as long as you choose one that is FINA approved, you can count on getting that performance boost without the risk of disqualification. However, if you are just getting started, you will be able to find affordable options, such as the TYR Thresher Tech Suit, so you can dive into the world of tech suits without spending a lot of money.

Starting out with competitive swimming can be overwhelming, especially when you consider the large number of swimsuits available on the market. When it comes to racing swimsuits, however, tech suits are often your best option due to their ability to compress and shape the body into a more hydrodynamic form. When you choose TYR tech suits, you are selecting a suit that is designed to last and will help you perform at your best.

If you’re looking for the best racing swimsuits on the market, contact us. We carry a vast selection of competitive swimwear to meet all your needs.