7 New Years Resolutions Every Swimmer Should Consider

7 New Years Resolutions Every Swimmer Should Consider

When you’re involved in competitive swimming, there’s a lot you need to keep in mind throughout the year. However, as the new year approaches, you may be starting to think about what your new years resolution should be. When you tie your resolution into your swim team, it can serve a number of purposes. The following are some of the resolutions you should consider setting, whether you participate in swim teams or you swim recreationally.

Eat Healthier

It’s so easy to just grab something unhealthy on the go when you’re moving so quickly between practices and meets and the other elements of your already busy life, such as work, school or personal events. This coming year, make it a point to eat healthier to give yourself a proper boost in your swimming performance.

Spend Quality Time with Teammates

Start your new years resolution related to competitive swimming.
Competitive swimming calls for new years resolutions.

Another problem many swimmers experience is a disconnect with their teammates when they aren’t at the pool. A great way to forge even greater team work among those on swim teams is to spend time together away from the pool as well.

Try Something New

Perhaps you’re best at one particular stroke and haven’t really explored anything else. There’s a good chance you could perform just as well, if not better, with another stroke as well. The new year is a great time to diversify and try out some new strokes to help you broaden your spectrum and experience new things.

Get More Sleep

Sleep is necessary to help your body heal in between your workouts, but it’s easy to short yourself on sleep in order to make sure you get everything done. If you’ve been guilty of this, make sure you make it a new years resolution to get more sleep this year. Your body will thank you.

Train Your Brain

Competitive swimming is almost just as much mental as it is physical. Therefore, it’s important to take a positive outlook and focus on your mental health so you can become the best swimmer you can be.

Reflect, But Don’t Linger

It’s important to be able to look at your past races and learn something from them, but you shouldn’t linger on your losses. Use them as a learning experience and move forward to use that information to do better next time.

Pick Up Journaling

It can be difficult to keep track of how well you’re doing with your swimming if you aren’t keeping some type of record of your training. This year, consider picking up journaling so you can determine what’s working and what isn’t to create the ultimate workout.

If you’re ready to move forward on your swim team and need the right gear, contact us. We carry everything you need to become the best swimmer you can be.

Why Your Fitness Program Should Include Swimming

Why Your Fitness Program Should Include Swimming

Many people are aware there are some physical and even mental benefits to competitive swimming. The good news is these benefits can easily carry over into adding swimming as part of your normal fitness routine. In fact, when you use the right tools, including TYR flex fins or Speedo rubber swim fins, you can enhance the workout you get and make sure you are as fit as possible in other areas of your life as well.

Build Up Your Strength

Competitive swimming can help you get fit.
Get fit when you add competitive swimming to your exercise.

One of the primary reasons to turn to competitive swimming as part of your fitness routine is to build up strength. Swimming uses many parts of the body and muscles you may not use in other types of exercise. This allows you to build up strength in ways you can’t if you don’t utilize swimming as part of your workout. The good news is swimming is gentler on the joints than other forms of exercise, which means it’s easier for more individuals to implement. When you add swim fins, you can increase the resistance that will help build muscle.

A Cardiovascular Workout

Cardio is an essential element of your workout routine, but it can be difficult to find the right ways of adding it to your routine. Many cardio exercises are intense, which means they aren’t right for everyone. Swimming can be the ideal solution to this problem. You will get the cardio workout you’re looking for without adding a lot of stress to your workout routine.

An Enjoyable Activity

While some people enjoy their time at the gym, many people would rather be spending their time somewhere else, but they understand the importance of getting and staying fit. Therefore, it’s best to try to find something you enjoy doing, which will make working out that much easier. Swimming can be the perfect way to implement something a little more fun into your exercise routine. You’ll be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t enjoy swimming at least to a degree.

Adding competitive swimming or just general recreational swimming to your exercise routine can be the ideal solution to give you even greater benefits. The goal of any exercise routine is to help you get fit and stay fit. When you mix things up with some swimming, you can reap all of the benefits while having a good time.

If you’re looking for the best competitive swimming gear to meet your needs, contact us. We carry everything you need, whether you’re involved in competitive swimming or you’re more of a casual swimmer.

5 Ways to Recover from a Swim Meet

5 Ways to Recover from a Swim Meet

Swim teams can be a great way to stay fit and to socialize with other people, particularly those who have common interests. One of the biggest aspects of joining a swim team is the swim competition. You’re likely to participate in a number of meets each year, allowing you to showcase the skills you’ve learned and strive toward becoming an even stronger swimmer than the last meet. However, it’s not just about the meets themselves. Once you’re done with your competitive swimming meet, you’ll need to recover. The following tips will ensure you have a fast, safe recovery.

Take a Rest Day

Competitive swimming requires sufficient recovery times.
Boost your recovery when you participate in competitive swimming.

One of the biggest mistakes individuals make when it comes to competitive swimming recovery is not taking a rest day. Many swimmers feel if they take a day off, they’re hurting their progress toward becoming a better swimmer, but this isn’t the case at all. Not only is a rest day critical to maintain your physical health, but it’s also beneficial to your mental welfare.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is an essential element to your body’s recovery period as well. This is because when you’re asleep is when the growth hormones do their work most effectively. Even if you’re getting the recommended eight or nine hours of sleep per night, don’t hesitate to take a nap as well if you feel like you need it.

Eat Properly

You may not feel like eating right after a meet, but it’s important to give your body the nutrients it needs to recover as soon as possible. The first 15 minutes after your meet is the most critical when your body can most efficiently replenish carbohydrates so it’s necessary to eat a carb-rich snack immediately after your meet. Be sure to drink as well so you can properly re-hydrate.

Consider a Massage

Massages can have a large number of benefits, even if you aren’t a competitive swimmer. However, if you want to help boost your recovery, a massage is an excellent option. A good massage will stimulate blood flow, which ensures your muscles get the nutrients they need.

Take a Recovery Swim

It may seem counter-intuitive, but it can actually be useful to indulge in a recovery swim. If your meet was in the late afternoon or evening, take your recovery swim in the morning. For a swim meet that takes place in the morning or early afternoon, an evening recovery swim can be ideal.

If you’re looking for the best gear for your swim competitions, contact us. We carry everything you need to become the most effective swimmer.

4 Reasons Competitive Swimmers Should Be Lifting Weights

4 Reasons Competitive Swimmers Should Be Lifting Weights

Weights aren’t likely one of the first pieces of competitive swim equipment you may think about using, but they can be an essential element in your training routine. In fact, if you aren’t using weight lifting as part of your training, you are likely missing out on some valuable benefits. The following are some of the reasons you should focus on lifting weights to train for your competitive swimming meets.

Increase Overall Strength

Competitive swimming can benefit from weight training.
Weight training should be part of your preparations for competitive swimming.

As you would expect from adding weight lifting to your competitive swimming training, you will see an overall increase in your strength. This can be a valuable asset. Not only does it help you swim faster, but it can also increase your endurance, thus benefiting your overall performance.

Fewer Injuries

One of the biggest issues many swimmers are concerned with is suffering from injuries. Unfortunately, there’s no way to guarantee you won’t experience an injury, but there are ways you can reduce your risks. When you use weights as part of your training, you improve the flexibility in your joints and also increase muscle mass, which can better protect your joints as well. This greatly reduces your chances of being injured during practices or meets.

Stay in Shape

Although some swimmers participate throughout the year, there are some seasonal swimmers that need to make an extra effort to stay in shape during the off season. Weight lifting can be an effective way to stay in shape during the times when you aren’t hitting the pool on a regular basis. When the new season does arrive, you will then spend less time getting back into shape.

Improved Mental Health

Your mental health is just important to the success of your competitive swimming as your physical strength and health. Working out and lifting weights can be a great way to give yourself the mental boost you need. The hormones released when you work out help you feel good about yourself and can help you keep a positive focus when it comes to your performance in the water.

If you’re looking for the best competitive swimwear products, including weight sets, contact us. We carry all the tools you need for the most effective training sessions.

3 Ways To Improve Your Pre-Race Routine

3 Ways To Improve Your Pre-Race Routine

When you’re swimming competitively, it’s only natural to feel somewhat nervous as race time approaches. The good news is there are many techniques you can use to help you calm those nerves and ensure you are completely focused on your swimming. When you utilize these tips, your competitive swimming for swim teams will become that much more effective.

A Natural Reaction

Anxiety surrounding swimming competitively can be a good thing.
Harness the power of anxiety when swimming competitively.

The first thing you need to recognize is being nervous is absolutely normal. Even if you can’t tell, everyone feels it. It’s the body’s natural response to situations that trigger the fight or flight reflex. It’s all in how you manage it that makes a difference, particularly as you look at your overall performance. For the most part, consider this your body’s way of preparing for the race ahead.

Channel That Energy

You may feel as though your anxiety before your swim means something is wrong, but this isn’t really the case. Therefore, instead of trying to stop your feelings of nervousness, it’s typically best to find ways to channel and use them to your benefit instead. Because the symptoms of nervousness are simply your body getting hyped up for your performance, you can actually tap into this power and give yourself a boost when you hit the water. Trying to get rid of the anxiety entirely will only serve to make it worse. When it’s out of control, you won’t be at your best.

Focus on the Outcome

As you prepare for your race with swim teams, it’s essential to focus on the outcome of your race. Visualization is an important technique that can help you perform better and ease the feelings of anxiety and tension as race time approaches. Close your eyes for a few minutes and think about how it feels to move through the water and the motions you take throughout your race.

It can feel overwhelming when you feel nervous before a swimming race, but the good news is you can  use it to your advantage. When you follow these tips, you will be able to harness the power of your nerves and perform even better.

If you’re looking for the right competitive swimwear and gear for your competitive swimming, contact us. We carry everything you need to participate in your swim teams.

How to Stay Relaxed and Focused During a Swim Meet

How to Stay Relaxed and Focused During a Swim Meet

Whether you’ve been involved in competitive swimming for some time or you’re just getting started, you’ve likely felt the butterflies in your stomach before a big race or even before your first couple of practices when you don’t know what to expect. The good news is you don’t have to feel that way. While being nervous is completely normal, swim teams find ways to relax so they can perform better.

Competitive swimming doesn't have to be stressful.
There are ways to relax before your competitive swimming meets.

Focus on the Simple

It’s easy to lose sight of the competitive swimming techniques you’ve worked so hard on. It’s also easy to over complicate things when you’re facing an important race. The good news is this can often be resolved by focusing on what you know so you can tap into your power and swim your best.

Ignore Your Surroundings

Whether you feel intimidated by your competitors or you easily get distracted by their routines, ignoring your surroundings can be the perfect way to calm some of your anxiety and nervousness. A great way to do this is to use an MP3 player and ear buds to distract yourself from the sounds around you and help you focus on the task at hand. Choose music that calms your nerves and helps you concentrate.

Remember Past Performances

While no one likes to think about the races they feel they have failed in, it’s highly likely there are also past races you feel great pride in and felt you swam your absolute best. Focus on those races and what you did before and during them. When you remember the times you have performed well, you can feel more confident in your ability to do so during this race as well.

Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing can greatly relax the body, helping you center your mind and prepare your body for your next race. Closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths when you’re feeling stressed out can do wonders for your anxiety level.

Feeling nervous for your next race is perfectly normal. It’s up to you to learn how to channel that anxiety into a more productive swim. With the help of these tips, you can accomplish those goals.

If you’re looking for the best competitive swimming gear, contact us. We carry everything you need to be a more effective swimmer.

How Swimming Improves Athletic Performance in Other Sports

How Swimming Improves Athletic Performance in Other Sports

While competitive swimming is a sport in itself, these individuals aren’t the only ones who need competitive swimwear in Dallas. In fact, athletes in other sports can often benefit in participating in swimming, either casually as part of their training or as a competitive swimmer in the off season of their primary sport. In either situation, there are a number of benefits swimming can offer to athletes in all sports.

Competitive swimming can help with other sports too.
Condition for other sports with the help of competitive swimming.

Prevent or Rehab Injuries

Injuries are common in every sport. However, when you participate in swimming, you will condition your muscles without causing additional stress on the muscles or joints. This can help prevent injuries when you’re participating in your other sport as well. If you do become injured, swimming can be a great supplement to your rehab, working your muscles and joints in a less stressful environment.

Improve Your Cardio

One of the areas all athletes need to work on is their cardio. There are many ways to work on this aspect of your health and stamina, but swimming can be one of the best options. Instead of heading to the gym and working up a sweat on the machines, you can jump in the pool and enjoy yourself while you work on your cardio.

Build Muscle Strength

The stronger your muscles are, the better you will be able to do what you need to for your chosen sport. Whether you do a lot of running or you need power in your arms, swimming can offer the muscle conditioning you need to become a better overall athlete. Unlike the workouts you get at the gym, spending time in the pool and swimming laps can help strengthen your muscles just as effectively without an increased risk of injury or stress.

Better Lung Capacity

Breathing is an essential element when it comes to participating in any sport. While you will learn how to hold your breath for longer, you will also learn how to better control your breathing. This, in turn, increases overall lung capacity. In the end, you will find your heart rate returns to normal much faster after working out, allowing you to perform better on the field without causing more stress on your body.

If you’re looking for performance swimwear so you can boost your performance in other sports, contact us. We carry everything you need to add swimming to your training regiment.

Preventing and Treating 5 Common Swimming Conditions

Preventing and Treating 5 Common Swimming Conditions

Even though swimming is great for the mind and body, there are chemicals in swimming pools that can actually lead to problems as well. It’s important for those who participate in competitive swimming to learn more about the conditions that can occur and how you can prevent them so you can stay safer and healthier in the water.

Competitive swimming can lead to a number of problems.
Learn how to prevent common problems in competitive swimming.

Dry Skin or Rashes

You’re surrounded by water so how can you possibly get dry skin from swimming? One of the leading contributors to dry skin or rashes after you get out of the water is not properly drying off. Chlorine and other chemicals will stick to your skin if you simply dry off. Instead, rinse off with warm or cold water and then dry yourself thoroughly by patting with a towel. Never air dry. Using a hydrating moisturizer can also help.

Brittle Hair

Your skin isn’t the only thing that can dry out after you spend time in the pool. This isn’t solely because of the chemicals, however. The water also strips the natural oils from the hair. Wearing a swim cap can help, but it isn’t the only solution. Rinse your hair when you exit the pool and wash it if possible. A good leave-in conditioner can also be beneficial. When drying, wrap your hair in a towel, squeeze out any excess moisture and then pat dry.

Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s ear is another common condition that occurs when water because trapped in the ears. A swim cap can also help with this issue, but many swimmers also choose to ear plugs. If you don’t, be sure to dry your ears out as well as you can after you get out of the pool. Ear drops can also help dry out any excess water you can’t reach.


We’ve all heard the old wive’s tale not to go swimming within an hour of eating to avoid cramps. However, cramping can occur regardless. Staying properly hydrated by drinking enough water is one way to prevent this problem. Bananas can also help increase potassium levels in the body, which can avoid cramping as well.

Red Eyes

The eyes can easily be irritated by the chemicals found in pool water. Swimming goggles keep the water out of the eyes, which means they can’t get irritated by the chemicals found in the water. In addition, flushing your eyes out with clean water can also help. If you do get red eyes, though, eye drops can remove the redness and irritation.

If you’re looking for the right competitive swimming products in Dallas, contact us. We can help prevent these and other problems swimmers may often experience.

Improve Your Technique With Swim Paddles

Improve Your Technique With Swim Paddles

When it comes to competitive swimming, there are a lot of pieces of gear you need to ensure your training is as effective as possible. Swim paddles are one of the most overlooked training tools because many people don’t realize what benefit they could possibly have. As you shop for your competitive swimming products in Dallas, consider how you can improve your technique by adding swim paddles to your rotation.

Swim paddles are a valuable training tool.
Learn how you can benefit from swim paddles.

Build Your Power

One of the ways swim paddles can help improve your swimming is to help you build power. When you wear these paddles on your hands, it generates increased resistance against the water. This means you need to work harder to propel yourself forward, which gives your muscles a greater work out. While it’s important not to overuse your paddles, the more you use them, the more power you will develop.

Correct Your Technique

A good performance in competitive swimming hinges on using the proper technique. The longer you’re involved in swimming, the easier it is to fall into lazy habits that can have a negative impact on your race times. Swimming paddles can help you focus on how you are moving your hands in the water, forcing you to think about your technique. If you aren’t swimming properly, the swim paddles will hinder your swimming more than they will help.

Mix up Your Workout

Doing the same training exercises over and over can become repetitive and can actually hurt your performance. Your mind may grow weary of swimming and it can increase the risk of giving up altogether. If you aren’t already using swim paddles, adding them to your work out can help mix things up and ensure you are focusing on every aspect of your competitive swimming so you can do better.

Ideal for All Strokes

The good news is using swimming paddles is it works well for all strokes. It doesn’t matter whether you’re focused on the butterfly, the backstroke or any other swimming stroke, you will experience great benefits when you add this training tool to your arsenal.

If you’re looking for the best competitive swimming products in Dallas, contact us. We carry a variety of swim paddles, along with everything else you need to train more effectively.

4 Ways to Overcome Pre-Race Anxiety

4 Ways to Overcome Pre-Race Anxiety

When you’re involved with competitive swimming, there’s a lot to worry about beyond your competitive swimwear. Whether you swim on your own or you’re part of a swim team, you may feel some anxiety before your races. In fact, many swimmers report they feel anxious either the day leading up to the race or even just hours or minutes before. Regardless of when your anxiety strikes and to what degree you suffer from it, the following tips can help you overcome it.

Competitive swimming doesn't have to cause you anxiety.
Learn to reduce your anxiety for competitive swimming.

Keep Your Mind Busy

If you’re solely thinking about your upcoming races, it’s only natural you’ll start to worry about things. This is why it’s important to keep your mind busy leading up to your next competitive swimming race. Read a book, binge watch your favorite television series or do anything else that can help keep your mind busy and off your race. While it’s important to mentally prepare, it’s also not good to solely think about swimming.

Focus on the Bigger Picture

It’s easy to stress about just one race. However, when you’re part of a swim team, there are many more races to come. Finishing at a lower position for one of them doesn’t mean you’re going to do poorly the entire season. Therefore, it’s important to remind yourself not to worry about a single race. Learn from it and make changes going forward so you can do better in the next one. If you don’t focus on the outcome of one race, you’ll have less anxiety on race day.

Find Your Ideal Emotional State

Everyone is different and no two swimmers will be comfortable in the same emotional state. Some individuals prefer to get worked up, almost to an angry state, to give them the energy to get through their next race. Others do better when they are in a calm and relaxed state. Figure out what works best for you and how to get into that emotional state so you experience less stress and feel more confident in your performance.

Don’t Swim for Someone Else

One of the reasons many competitive swimmers feel anxiety and stress related to their races is they worry about letting someone else down. It may be your swim team, your coach, your parents or anyone else. The key is making sure you are swimming for yourself first and foremost. The bottom line is the individuals who care about you won’t be disappointed as long as you perform your best.

If you’re looking for the best competitive swimwear, contact us. We carry all the best brands so you can find just what you need to perform your best.